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Características principales Resolución de 2 megapíxeles (1920 × 1080) Compresión de vídeo estándar de gran ratio. Escaneo progresivo CMOS , captura de video sin margen inciso. Soporta dual stream y el sub-stream para vigilancia móvil. Alto rendimiento del LED infrarrojo, aprox. Rango IR de 20 a 30 metros. Tecnología EXIR, hasta 50 metros de rango IR. PoE (Power over Ethernet) Protección de nivel: IP66. 3D DNR. DWDR. Iris electrónico para diferentes ambientes de vigilancia. Otras funciones: alarma, botón de reinicio, espejo, etc. Ajuste 3-axis.
Main characteristics 2 megapixel resolution (1920 × 1080) High ratio standard video compression.
- Progressive CMOS scanning, video capture with no incised margin.
- It supports dual stream and sub-stream for mobile surveillance.
- High performance infrared LED, approx. IR range of 20 to 30 meters.
- EXIR technology, up to 50 meters IR range.
- PoE (Power over Ethernet) Level protection: IP66.
- 3D DNR.
- Electronic iris for different surveillance environments.
- Other functions: alarm, reset button, mirror, etc.
- 3-axis adjustment.
- Progressive CMOS scanning, video capture with no incised margin.
- It supports dual stream and sub-stream for mobile surveillance.
- High performance infrared LED, approx. IR range of 20 to 30 meters.
- EXIR technology, up to 50 meters IR range.
- PoE (Power over Ethernet) Level protection: IP66.
- 3D DNR.
- Electronic iris for different surveillance environments.
- Other functions: alarm, reset button, mirror, etc.
- 3-axis adjustment.
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